Saturday, April 4, 2020

Corona Virus Lockdown Edition

We are all avoiding contact with other people due to this corona virus pandemic. That includes Olive and I. Everything in Connecticut is closed except for grocery stores, drug stores, gas stations, and liquor stores. I find it amusing that liquor stores are staying open, but I suppose there would be riots in some quarters if they were forced closed. I am fortunate to be able to stay home most of the time, going out only for walks with Olive and grocery shopping.
Olive seems to know that something is up. No one is coming by to visit, there are few people out walking around when we are out for our walks, I am not leaving her home alone very much, and she is not going to Candlewick to play with the other dogs there. I try to keep her busy with toys, games of “saucer” out back, her usual walks, and an occasional game of “catch the rubber stick” after a walk around the complex.

Today I was able to make a video chat connection with my friends Kathryn and Mark in the Berkshires. We tried to get Olive and their dog Archie to communicate over the cameras; they seemed to be aware of each other but seemed to be a bit confused by the whole setup. Perhaps because they couldn’t smell each other? Hmmmm…….we can see and hear each other over the internet; is the next step to be able to smell each other?

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After a routine checkup at the veterinarian a parasite was found in a stool sample I brought for testing. The vet recommended some medicine in her food for ten days. The medicine came in small packets, one packet per day, to be sprinkled over her food. The medicine resembled sugar. I was at first apprehensive as to whether Olive would eat it, but she ate it right down and even licked the small amount that fell between her food pellets off the bottom of the bowl. Either the medicine had no taste or tasted good to Olive. The morning after the last packet I brought another stool sample to the vet’s office. The good news was that the parasite had disappeared. There was, however, some evidence of hookworms in her stool. The vet prescribed another medicine that I picked up this morning. It turned out to be a one-shot pill. As soon as I got home, I wrapped the pill in a slice of roast beef and Olive ate it right up.

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This morning someone sent me an interesting bit about how technically savvy border collies are dealing with the corona virus lock-down. Much the same as humans, I would say.

Of course border collies would use the latest technology!

Stay safe and healthy. Wash your hands frequently, wear a mask in public, and use gloves. Let's hope that the crisis is over soon.