Wednesday, September 5, 2018

One Sappy Dog?

Not sure how it happened. Last Sunday, just before Labor day, I noticed that Olive's underside was full of gunk. A closer look revealed that the gunk was sap, probably from a pine tree. She must have laid down in a puddle of the stuff, though I cannot imagine when or where this could have happened. I tried to cut out the worst chunks of the stuff, though she did not seem to want to cooperate. An internet search brought me to a website that suggested olive oil would dissolve the sap. It sounded messy and involved, so I decided to try getting a groomer the next day.

Well, the next day was Labor Day. I called the local Petco store, which offers grooming services. Being labor day, I am guessing that the people who might have known what to do were out. The person I talked to was trying to be helpful, but didn't seem to know much. Candlewick Kennels, where I usually have her formal grooming done, was closed for the day. I decided to wait another day.

On Tuesday I called Candlewick. The groomer I spoke with has worked with Olive in the past and was helpful, but the grooming department was booked solid for the day. I made an appointment for Wednesday. She suggested that if I wanted to try the olive oil treatment I bring a bottle of olive oil. I ran to the grocery store and picked up a small bottle of store brand olive oil. Cheaper than the top of the line pure Italian oil I usually get for myself (I tend to be fussy about my olive oil), but not what I would call inexpensive.

Finally this morning I got Olive to the groomer. Olive's fur is a bit shaggy, particularly on her underside, so I was resolved that the groomer would probably have to shear her to get the gunk out. I figured that the olive oil treatment might work on a short haired dog, probably not on a border collie.

I picked her up a few hours and $45 later. The groomer was able to get the gunk out without even using the olive oil. Only on the bottom of her paws did the groomer need to shave her. As usual, the groomer left a note that Olive is a sweetheart. Well, I already know that.

Below is a photo of Olive after getting home from the groomer. Notice the purple bandanna. She always seems to get one after a bath. I have a collection of them that I will someday figure out what to do with. Perhaps have them made into a quilt?

"What was that all about?"
Anyway, the ordeal is finally over. I think she noticed the gummy stuff and that it was making her uncomfortable, pulling at her skin. I did catch her licking at it at various times. Then again, maybe she was wondering what all the fuss was about.

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I have always thought of myself as a dog person, even though I like cats too. I trace my affinity for dogs back to early childhood when my paternal grandparents had a dog named "Major". On the other hand, my maternal grandparents had a large cat, while there were a number of cats roaming around our urban neighborhood often through our back yard.

Having fond memories of both cats and dogs, I can identify with the person in this short cartoon.

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