Thursday, January 31, 2019

Socks with Stripes?

Last Friday I was out for a walk with Olive when I noticed her limping. A closer look revealed that she had broken a dew claw again and was bleeding. I got her home by the most direct route and called the vet. It was late in the day, but the vet staff agreed to look at her leg. Fortunately, all she needed was to have the nail trimmed and bandaged. I was not charged nearly as much as I feared. The wound healed well over the weekend, but I thought it interesting that her bandage made her look as if she was wearing red and white striped socks.

Don't you just love socks with stripes?

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We seem to be making some progress with Olive’s training. When we play Frisbee in the back without a leash she has always tended to stay in the area behind my house, though occasionally she will see one of the neighbors (or their kids) and run over looking for someone different to play with. The last few times that has happened I yelled for her to “get back here:”, and she obeyed. Well, that’s some progress.

Little by little she seems to be learning the names of her toys. Her “squeaky” is a small rubber dog that squeaks. Her “dragon” is a green plush dragon toy, also with a squeak. Both were given to Olive in December by neighbors. Her “ball”, “big ball”, and “Kong” have long been among her favorite toys. She also was given a squeaky plush monkey by some neighbors, but I only let her play with that when I am around, as it was made to be a kid’s toy rather than a dog toy. Seeing my cousin’s dog tear apart a similar toy, and a warning that small children should not play with it unsupervised, made me leery of letting Olive playing with it unsupervised.

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With all the talk in the news about building a border wall, I finally found a proposed border wall I could support.

Now this is a border (collie) wall I can support!

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