Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bath Time!

I found out what a "bully stick" is. You don't want to know!


This afternoon will be Olive's first day at the dog training class. Last week, as I mentioned, was for humans only.

This morning I went to church and then for breakfast with my dad and nephew; my sister and brother-in-law are away for the weekend. After getting home I immediately took Olive out for a walk, figuring that she would need one after being in the house for about three  hours. While walking she suddenly started rolling in some grass. I gave it little thought, as she often does that. Shortly afterward, however, I noticed a putrid smell and realized it was coming from my dog. Then I noticed some yellowish substance over some white parts of her coat. When we got home the smell was even worse. I gave her a good brushing, which seemed to help, but the smell was still strong. With the obedience class tonight the last thing I wanted was to bring a foul smelling canine to the first class.

Fortunately some friends whose dog recently died had given me a box full of dog supplies. Among them was a bottle of deodorizing dog shampoo. I had never given Olive a bath before--she had a bath at the kennel when I left her for a week last July, and I brush her daily, but she is for the most part a clean dog and baths never seemed urgently needed. This time, however, I knew I had to do something.

I read the directions on the shampoo bottle, then filled my bathtub with lukewarm water (I was careful not to make it hot). Not knowing what to expect, I changed into swim trunks and nothing else. That turned out to be a good move.

Getting Olive into the tub proved a challenge; she was very reluctant, though not defiant. I finally got her in and wet down the affected fur areas with an old plastic cup. Once I got her in the tub she was surprisingly cooperative. I messaged the shampoo into the yellow areas. It took a bit of work, but it seemed that the foul stuff, whatever it was (I probably don't want to know), was washing out. Finally I figured I was at the point where it was going to be the best we were going to do so I rinsed her off as thoroughly as I could. It wasn't a full bath, but I didn't want to push things.

Getting her out of the tub was a good deal easier than getting her in. I simply said "OK, we can dry off now" and she jumped out. I dried her off as best I could with an old towel, then cleaned up the bathroom. Olive is downstairs right now drying off. There is still some of the smell, but I believe the situation is much better than it was before the bath.

Well, now I have an idea of how to give Olive a bath. I will try to give her one every few months, or when she really needs one as she did today.

OK, I will have to watch her when we go for our next walk and keep her away from the spot she rolled in this morning, I am hoping that no one at the class tonight will go "Ew, what's that smell". Stay tuned for a report on Olive's experience with obedience class.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter gets her dog clean by taking him into the shower!
