Monday, December 14, 2015

Olive's view of the Holiday Season

This is Olive writing. I’ve taken over the keyboard for this posting.

My human has gone nuttier than the squirrels. Last Saturday he came in with a tree—a tree no less—and planted it in the living room! Now that would be crazy enough, but he lectured me about staying away from it, then put all these little light bulbs on it. Now just what good is that supposed to do? He then throws all these shiny things on it. It takes up a full corner of the room! At least he didn’t put it over my napping spot.

The Saturday before last he left me and spent the day at some place he calls “the mall”. He came back with a pile of boxes, none smelling like anything good to eat. You would think he would at least open them to see if there is anything useful? No, he spends most of Sunday wrapping them with colored paper. All those things are now underneath that weird tree!

Some of the family came by, and I though “thank heavens, they’re going to do an intervention”. No, they all oooh and ahhhh over the tree in the corner and sing songs about “decking the halls” (whatever that is) and “God rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay” (what the heck does that mean?).

I hope that this is only a phase that humans go through now and then, and things will be back to normal soon. At least I am still being fed, my bed upstairs is unaffected, and I am still getting my walks to sniff at trees outside where they belong, study squirrels, and chase geese back into the pond. The human also plays saucer with me in the back when I remind him to. I’m grateful that the human didn’t try to bring a pond or squirrels into the living room!

Signing off now. Yes, this is a short post but you try using a keyboard with paws and no thumbs. Thank heavens for auto correct.


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