Sunday, May 3, 2015

Getting settled in.

Since Friday, when we learned that we are a permanent team, I spent way too much time trying to get a blog up and running. This is the result. We have gotten many congratulations and well wishes through email, and of course went for many walks.

A friend hosts a Sunday brunch on the first Sunday of most months for a large and varying group of people at his home in Hartford. Most contribute some type of pastry or breakfast item, and there are usually eggs, sausage, and potatoes. This time I brought Olive along to show up, and got the expected fussing over my dog. Someone found a ball and Olive was in doggie heaven. The problem was that many doors to the outside were left open. Olive is a well-behaved dog and shows no interest in bolting, but she is curious and I did have to run outside the house to call her. Although she came right to me, I decided that I would not take her with me again for a while. The street that runs by my friend’s house is a busy one, so I do not want to take chances. Perhaps I will relent during the winter when the doors to the outside remain closed.

I did a bit of research on the internet today and discovered that one of the veterinarians who cared for my dogs when I was a kid is still listed with his old practice. I knew him to be an excellent doctor, so I registered Olive on line as a new patient. I will give them a call tomorrow and make an appointment for flea & tick prevention, heartworm protection, and other things that Olive should have soon. My second priority tomorrow will be to register her for a town dog license.

Nanne and Laurie are expected to stop by my place on their way home from Maryland tonight. After they leave tomorrow morning, Olive and I will be truly on our own. Stay tuned for our adventures.

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